Moriam Sulaimon
2 min readSep 22, 2019

The Sensitive Consumer of an Insensitive Brand

Photo by Rochelle Brown on Unsplash

In today’s progressive society, everyone is allowed to be sensitive, people have more freedom to express themselves. This is actually a great leap from the past. Consumers now have an unfiltered tool — social media — where their opinions can be easily aired. Amplification of concerns, thoughts, beliefs and opinions have been aided by this easily accessible and somewhat unfiltered tool.

As a brand, it’s quite understandable to wish to trend, be in the conversation and possibly, go viral. But at what point does this eagerness come off as being insensitive?

Agreeably, viral is the new currency for any product in the current digital sphere. There are several case studies to back this up even if it is somewhat tricky these days to decipher between organic and paid viral contents. To trend, some brands unabashedly jump in on any conversation on the internet with the hope of projecting a humane brand or sympathizing with victims, or bottom line, promoting their products. However, if not done right, this has a high propensity of going all wrong.

These days, some people have their antennas up, waiting to be offended, and if your brand presses the wrong button, you, your brand and your product(s) will be served the right internet poop with zero chills.

Unavoidably, every company receives negative reviews and responses at one point in time or the other, but it saves your butt to consider all possible outcomes and backlashes before clicking the send button. Also, if you have to send a message out during difficult times, it is best not to limit your message to a caption because it might come off as you trying to profit off a sensitive issue.

To be spared from embarrassing moments in the digital space and getting on the toes of your consumers, tread carefully. There is a thin line between a successful attempt and a disastrous attempt.